Sponsor: John Weber
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High School Student Council

Student Council Executive Officers for the Student Council are chosen through an application and interview process and class officers are elected by the student body. The purposes of Student Council are to create a sense of loyalty and responsibility among the students of Delta High School to encourage scholarship and citizenship among the students of Delta High School to promote a sense of civic responsibility and volunteerism among the students of Delta High School to be alert to the needs of the students of Delta High School and to enact ideas and activities that are of concern to the student body. Activities include bullying awareness lessons, Toys for Tots fundraisers, including a haunted house, a Christmas dinner to honor Deltas Senior Citizens Organization, volunteering at the Special Olympics Southeast Area Bowling Tournament, participating in the Polar Bear Plunge to benefit Special Olympics, and holding a can food drive to benefit our local church and homeless shelter.
Dues: None, but a t-shirt is usually purchased
Meetings: Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each quarter and as needed for special events.