FFA Members: If you are interested in competing in FFA District Contests, please sign up in the Ag Building by Feb. 28. See Swindell for more information.
The PRiME Center at St. Louis University is pleased to announce that Delta High has received the following 2 awards for promoting outstanding student growth during the 2022-23 school year:
3rd in statewide English Language Arts growth for all students.
8th in statewide Mathematics growth for all students.
The Horatio Alger Scholarship provides 600+ scholarships up to $25,000. The application is open to high school juniors at Requirements include being a US Citizen and household income under $65,000. The deadline is March 1.
Sophomores and juniors (who are not currently attending the CTC) can submit their application at this time to attend next school year. If you would like to submit your application, you will need to sign up on the sheet outside the counselor's office. She will call you in to meet as time permits. All sophomores and juniors (who are interested in starting at the CTC next school year) will tour the CTC on February 11. Additional information will be provided on the permission form. Applications are due by February 28.
This camp is for students entering 10-12 grade in the fall who have an interest in healthcare. The 2-day camp (June 8-10) offers hands-on learning and career exploration in a variety of healthcare environments. Cost is $375 per person, but includes meals & lodging, a shirt, & instructional material. Scholarships are available, but limited. Apply online for the camp and scholarship at Deadline for the scholarship is March 2nd. Deadline for the camp is Sunday, March 9. If you would like assistance with your application, please meet with the counselor by March 6 since we are out of school March 7-9.
The FBLA District Leadership Conference will be held February 6 on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University for FBLA members in grades 9-12. Permission slips have been given to students and are due on February 5. If students have not turned in candy bar money or are on the fine list, they will not be allowed to attend. Members attending are required to be in proper business dress or they will not be allowed to participate.
-Students who have applied to State Tech and plan on attending this fall, please apply for the State Tech Foundation Scholarships. Complete 1 application and you will be eligible for all scholarships that you meet the criteria for. The application is available at Apply by March 15.
-The MWGEA offers the Mary Jane Landreth Scholarship and the Susan E. Shepherd Memorial Scholarship.
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Must not be receiving a full collegiate scholarship. The total value of the MWGEA award, combined with other financial aid, cannot exceed the value of a full grant-in-aid.
Scholarships are disbursed directly to the recipient’s college or university to cover educational expenses.
MWGEA does not restrict the recipient’s choice of institution.
How to Apply: Scholarship applications and additional details are available on their website
The completed application along with all supporting documentation must be postmarked by the second Saturday of March.
Eligibility Criteria
Must be a 2025 graduating high school senior
Must attend high school in Missouri school – public, private, or charter
Planning to attend a Missouri 2-year, 4-year or technical college in Fall 2025
Planning to pursue a STEM career path in college – either full degree or certificate program
Applications will be evaluated on the basis of passion for STEM learning, advancing society through STEM, high school activity involvement and scholarship.
Applications are due on *February 15, 2025. *Application Process: * In order to apply for this scholarship, you must register and set up a profile in My Scholarship Central. Once you have your profile established and are logged in you will then have access to apply to the scholarship.
-$1,000 Scholarship
Female, MO Resident, US Citizen
2025 graduating senior
500 word essay
Submit a short Bio
Excellence in leadership, academics, and community service
Apply at by March 12
The deadline to submit the SEMO Electric Scholarship is February 3. We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE students whose families are members to apply for this scholarship. Many of our past graduates have received this scholarship. Applications are available in the mailboxes outside the counselor's office.
Show-Me to College Scholarship Opportunity High School Seniors
The Show-Me to College Scholarship, is open to graduating Missouri students who meet certain criteria such as a cumulative high school GPA of 3.5+ through at least seven semesters and a Student Aid Index (SAI) from the FAFSA of 12,000 or less. No essays are required, and you will need to upload your FAFSA Submission Summary, your high school transcript, and list activities. The application will open February 1 to April 1, 2025! The scholarship is $2,000 per year and renewable for a total of four years. If you do not apply for this scholarship this year, you cannot receive it going forward.
The application is available on - then click on Apply Now, create an account or sign in if you already have an account, and then search for “Show-Me”. While on My Scholarship Central, you can also look for other scholarships you may be eligible for offered by Missouri-based nonprofit organizations and foundations.
Open to current juniors. 2 sessions available: Sunday June 1-Thursday, June 5 and Session 2 Sunday June 8-Thursday June 12. Cost is $650. $50 deposit taken upon acceptance. Financial aid is available. Application is due March 16. For more information, see the counselor for a flyer with a QR code to provide more information.
Scholarship Opportunity for Certain High School Freshmen
The My Missouri “MyMO” Scholarship Promise Program. MyMO is a scholarship promise program intended to place 9th grade students from low-income backgrounds on a successful path to prepare, save and plan for college. To qualify, students and families will complete a Federal Student Aid Estimator to show exceptional financial need as well as open a MOST 529 College Savings account. The application is now open and will close March 1, 2025. An informational flyer is available in the counselor's office.
Please check your mailbox in the counselor’s office. There are new scholarship opportunities and other important senior information.
The Missouri Electric Cooperatives’ Youth Conference and Leadership Experience (CYCLE) tour and the National Rural Electric Association’s Youth Tour are leadership building programs that bring high school students from around the state and nation together. The CYCLE Tour is for high-school sophomores and is a four-day program in Jefferson City. High-School Juniors are eligible for the Youth Tour, a leadership building trip to Washington D.C. Winners of the trip will meet with other students from Missouri and travel to the nation’s capital for a one-week trip where participants hear national speakers and see many of the memorials and tour museums and historic sites like Mount Vernon. Both trips are free for participants. To be eligible: 1. the student's parent or legal guardian must be a member-owner of SEMO Electric Cooperative, 2. the student will need to create a one to three minute video featuring our school., 3. the video will be judged on the content and uploaded to their social media pages as well as shared on their website,, 4. the students will need to upload their video to their YouTube or Vimeo page and email them the link along with the Tour application. The deadline is February 3, 2025. For an information flyer, please see the counselor.
A+ students (especially seniors), please bring your updated A+ log sheets to Mrs. Elfrink so she can make a copy and update your parents on your status. As a reminder, A+ students need to complete 50 hours of documented tutoring or mentoring to be eligible for the A+ scholarship.
Thursday, 1/30 AT E. Prairie 6:00pm
2/1-2/7 Scott / Miss tournament
1/25-1/30 - Scott / Miss Tournament - hosted by Oak Ridge
Monday, 2/3 AT Meadow Heights 6:00pm
Thursday, 2/6 VS Neelyville 6:00pm