Here is the updated bracket for the Advance JV Boy's Tournament. Delta will play tomorrow, Wednesday, December 18 at 7:15 in the main gym.
4 days ago, Craig Huston
JV Tourney Bracket
Boys Basketball vs Meadow Heights WHITE OUT!
4 days ago, Kaci Deason
The FBLA Trivia Night that was scheduled for tomorrow has been postponed. It has been rescheudled for Saturday, March 22.
8 days ago, Craig Huston
FFA Members - Please turn in any money for dues/beef sticks/fruit/meat/cookie dough ASAP!! In order to eat at our FFA Thank You Lunch on Tuesday in Ag building, you MUST have all money turned in.
8 days ago, Alissa Swindell
High School Girls Basketball vs Chaffee for the Chaffee Tournament Championship. Wear your BLUE and come support our girls!
9 days ago, Kaci Deason
Starting next week the boys Junior Varsity Basketball team will be competing in the Advance JV Boys Basketball Tournament.
11 days ago, Craig Huston
JV Tournament Bracket
Here is the tournament bracket for the SE Missourian Christmas Tournament beginning on December 26th. The boys open up against Notre Dame at 1:30 pm.
12 days ago, Craig Huston
Christmas Tourney Bracket
Here is the updated bracket for the Red Devil Invitational at Chaffee
12 days ago, Craig Huston
Chaffee Tourney Bracket
Delta FFA Fruit/Meat/Cookie Dough Fundraiser Orders will be available for members to pick up at the Ag building on Wednesday, Dec. 4 any time from 1:00-5:00 PM. Please pick up and deliver your items!
19 days ago, Alissa Swindell
FFA Emblem
The Delta Ladycats will be playing in the Chaffee Red Devil Invitational beginning next week and are the #1 seed.
19 days ago, Craig Huston
2024 Tournament Bracket
On Saturday, December 14, Delta FBLA will be hosting a trivia night at the high school. The cost will be $80 per team (8 people/team). To register for the event, or for more information, contact Mr. Hutson at Look forward to seeing you there!!
about 1 month ago, Craig Huston
Trivia Flyer
Here are the brackets for the JH Boys Scott-Miss Conference Tournament
about 1 month ago, Craig Huston
7th Grade Bracket
8th Grade Bracket
Good evening everybody. I want to give a brief account of what happened this afternoon. At approximately 2:30 pm, we had a disciplinary situation with one of our students. That student then made a threat, and without going into all of the details, what he said triggered an automatic call to law enforcement and an immediate lockdown. Within minutes, law enforcement had the student in custody. Thankfully, none of our students were ever in danger. The safety of our staff and students is our top priority. Our staff and students all did a tremendous job during a stressful situation and deserve a lot of praise. I also want to thank all of the parents and community members for their help and support. Most of all, I want to thank the police officers who were on the scene almost immediately.
about 1 month ago, David Heeb
Congratulations to the Delta FFA Chapter for receiving a $500 grant award from Farm Credit Southeast Missouri through their AgSunrise program. Delta FFA Advisor Alissa Swindell and Chapter Vice President Mia Ahern accepted the check on behalf of the chapter.
about 2 months ago, Alissa Swindell
Delta FFA Chapter receives grant.
Thank You to our 2024 FFA Barnwarming Court Candidates (left to right): Allie Walter, Josh Swain, Cheyenne Welker, Lane Seabaugh, Adisen Crowden, Katelyn Brown, Cohen Palmer and Colten Welker. A Big Congratulations to our 2024 FFA Barnwarming Queen & King Adisen Crowden & Lane Seabaugh!! A great night of dancing and snacks was enjoyed by all in attendance.
about 2 months ago, Alissa Swindell
2024 FFA Barnwarming Court
2024 FFA Barnwarming King & Queen
Congratulations to the TOP Delta FFA Fundraiser Seller Keigan Engelen!! He sold almost $1,500 of fruit, meat, and cookie dough to help the chapter that landed him $100 cash for his hard work!! Way to Go Keigan!
about 2 months ago, Alissa Swindell
Keigan showing off his $100.
Ag Science 1 and Ag Economics classes decorated cookies to resemble the FFA emblem. Each class voted on the best and not-so-best ones. It was a fun activity that wrapped up our FFA units.
2 months ago, Alissa Swindell
FFA emblem cookies
5th hour decorating
Jade decorating
1st hour decorating
Layla waiting to judge
1st hour finished cookies
5th hour judging cookies
Delta Bobcat FCA joined Dolly's Daredevils at the Alzheimer's walk. This year, we raised over $800.00 to help end Alzheimer's!
2 months ago, Kim Rhodes
PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 24th from 4-7p.m. in the High School Cafeteria. Informational papers went home last week. Mrs. Elfrink will be having an A+ informational meeting from 6-6:30p.m. for all 9th graders and parents and for 10th -12th graders who would like additional information.
2 months ago, Kim Rhodes
Best of luck to our Junior High Girls Basketbal Team in the upcoming Scott-Miss Conference Tournament. The games will be played at East Prairie.
2 months ago, Craig Huston
8th Grade Bracket
7th Grade Bracket